My School Essentials: College Edition!

    It was hard enough to believe how fast summer went, let alone the fact that I have officially survived my first 2 weeks as a college student! I have to say, moving to college is a pretty big adjustment, and I didn't realize how different it would be. You have so much more free time, more opportunities to go out and meet new people, and more time to focus on school work. Getting a routine down is a bit of a challenge, but day by day I'm starting to figure things out! While I have been trying to get the hang of things around here I have found myself using several different items that I would consider essentials and I wanted to share them with you guys! Hope you enjoy!

Backpack Essentials

1. Water bottle: A water bottle is an absolute must for me! It's great to have with you not only for if you get thirsty in class, but also for when you are walking around campus. Trust me, it can be quite a hike to get from one class to another!
2. Lip balm: It's just one of those things you should always have, whether you're in college or not. Somehow I always manage to miss place mine in my room so it's nice to always have one in my bag. 
3. Umbrella: Unfortunately, there are going to be those days that are overcast with a 100% chance of rain so it's best to be prepared ahead of time! 
4. Computer: This day and age, most college students carry laptops. Trust me, I have always been a pen and paper kind of girl but even then, it's good to always carry your computer in case you don't have enough time to write notes by hand, or you decide to make an impromptu trip to the library (#gocollege)!
5. Small wallet: Having a small wallet or cardholder is one of the most convenient things when you are running back and forth around campus. You can keep all your cards and money in one place without having to lug around a purse with your already heavy backpack! 
6. Agenda: An agenda is essential for any college student who wants to stay on top of all their work and social events! Make sure you always have it with you so you can write down assignments in class right as the professor assigns them so you don't forget the details later! 

Dorm Room Essentials

1. Cute decorations: One of the most exciting things, in my opinion, is getting to decorate and personalize your dorm room! obviously you don't want to drag too many decorations to school with you, but it is important to bring things that remind you of home like pictures of family and friends! 
2. A fan: Now this many not be an necessity for everyone, but for my roommate and I, it was! We were sadly given a dorm that does not have air conditioning, but with the help of some fans, I think we will survive! Plus, fall is right around the corner (YAY!). 
3. Comfy pillows and blankets: For the school year, your dorm not only serves as a place to study and sleep, but a place to chill and hang out in. You want to make it as comfy as possible so you can cozy up and enjoy your time outside of the classroom. 
4. A water filter/pitcher: I always saw water pitchers on the "things you won't need at college" lists, but let me tell you I am so happy I got one! The first week I was here I probably made 20 trips a day to the water fountain down the hall. Not only is the water filter/pitcher more convenient but it tastes better too! 
5. Snacks: We all love going to the dining hall and eating with friends, but let's face it, sometimes we get lazy or the weather is bad so who really feels like walking 15 minutes to get food?? I always make sure I have a stash of easily made food and snacks in case this ever happens. Things like trail mix, and granola bars are great for middle of the day snacks, or I like to keep apples + peanut butter, bagels, and soup around if I need something more filling! 

What are your school essentials?

 all images via Pinterest // edited by me 


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